Our Next Chapter

A story and an open letter especially to my Oroville friends and family:Six and a half days into our southern reconnaissance expedition, as we wind through streets we’ve never seen before, Bella leans forward from the back seat and asks “Why don’t they spell it...

Drifters Too

Jesus knocks On churches WhoClose the doors On hurting FewJesus still Runs after YouWithHard words for Hard people Soft words for Real ones Real words for Soft peopleJesus had a knack for finding all of ‘em Hard knocks, soft hearts Hard hearts, soft knocksEvery door...

On Being Liked

What a week to contemplate what it means to be in public ministry.Holy week.King and criminal. Triumphant entry and nauseating exit. Hope and despair.Death and resurrection….And we’re out here talking about sneakers. In case you haven’t seen it, in...

Heaven Isn’t Bored

To be a part of heaven you don’t need to be dead. You don’t need to theologize your way into all of the right/correct/accurate/true/perfect/flawless beliefs or habits. To make a splash, an impact, a did-that-just-happen moment, a heap of hope for hearts-gone-cold, you...


A few years ago, friends of ours asked us to meet them at a local pizza place. We had been partnering with them in ministry for a few years prior to this dinner, and we knew that it was kind of a heavy moment because when it is, you can’t really hide it, you know?So...